Multiple Choice Quiz Maker Full


Multiple Choice Quiz Maker Full' title='Multiple Choice Quiz Maker Full' />Automatically formats, alphabetize, and prints bibliographies for free. MakeBeliefsComix. Bill Zimmerman. Create, print, email and post to Facebook your original comic strips through. Multiple Choice. Generate a quiz or worksheet with multiple choice questions. Write your own questions and make a quiz with a professional layout. Quiz up your brand followers with variety of smart questions, from multiple choice, via time limited to personalitybased. Boost the engagement by setting an open. I cannot be held responsible if you do not pass the National Exam. This test is simply for your review and practice material. Multiple-Choice-Quiz-Maker-Express_7.png' alt='Multiple Choice Quiz Maker Full' title='Multiple Choice Quiz Maker Full' />Multiple Choice Quiz Maker FullGasland. NOW on PBSWeek of 3. Will the boom in natural gas drilling contaminate Americas water supply It appears that your computer does not have the Flash Player required to view NOW videos. Visit Adobe to download and install the latest version of the Flash Player. In the debate over energy resources, natural gas is often considered a lesser of evils. Education services can now be found at the following pages Services for Schools School Noticeboard Online Schools Directory School Term Dates Perform has been. NoodleTools Student research platform with MLA, APA and ChicagoTurabian bibliographies, notecards, outlining. While it does release some greenhouse gases, natural gas burns cleaner than coal and oil, and is in plentiful supplyparts of the U. S. sit above some of the largest natural gas reserves on Earth. But a new boom in natural gas drilling, a process called fracking, raises concerns about health and environmental risks. This week, NOW talks with filmmaker Josh Fox about Gasland, his Sundance award winning documentary on the surprising consequences of natural gas drilling. Foxs filminspired when the gas company came to his hometownalleges chronic illness, animal killing toxic waste, disastrous explosions, and regulatory missteps. Related Link. Gasland Film Website Watch the Trailer. Everyone needs water to survive. There is a meeting here in Pennsylvania tomorrow at the Kingston Township building. So if anyone that comments on this, you know. And then Earth Day the 2. Wilkes Barre Pa, on the Square. This is highly important for everyone. And we all need to do something about it. Arkansas Public Television station, AETN, did an excellent documentary of the health of the water in the state and it is a must see. It addresses the water issues concerning natural gas near the end of the show, but the whole show kept me interested. I was in the middle of the gas exploration in 2. Arkansas and many people leased their land for 2. I was suprised to learn that the author of the documentary had recieved over 4kacre for the lease I dont remember what he got. The most I have heard of in Arkansas is 7. Theyre out to make money. It would be more productive if you told us the inaccuracies that you found with the report rather than ranting and being sacastic. I dont know anything about fracking but I do know there is a tendency for oil, gas and chemical companies to go into areas where people are not well educated, poor, andor dont ask questions. The companies then exploit the resources with the permission of the community. But the community doesnt realize the long term health and economic effects of their decision. That is my tendency to believe a story like Gasland, because is unforetunately very common. So Just Tex, why is it wrongAnd please no ranting peppered with sarcasm, just the facts please I dont know anything about Fracking, first time Ive ever heard of it. You are well qualified to talk about this issue, as it is your area of expertise. As I understood from your comments, you dont think the story was accurate, and furthermore, you thought it was an attempt to further an agenda by the filmmaker and his sponsors. Ok, but how do you then explain the following 1. The guy who could like a fire with his faucet. And apparently other people in the neighborhood could do it as well. Fax Tone Wav on this page. The woman who had cats and a horse and all were losing their hair. The horse was also losing weight. The people who were getting really sick, and lived in the same neighborhood. That cocktail of chemicals that the filmmaker talked about. Did he make it up I havent seen the entire movie yet, I have a feeling there are many more disheartening cases and evidence of a much bigger problem. If these cases are not the norm, why isnt more being done to help these people and to regulate at least the bad companies, because clearly they cant regulate themselvesAnd most importantly, I will assume you have a family, would you feel 1. Would you be so quick to blame the problems that you may experience on highways, fertilizer farms and other industriesLiquids migrate through cohesion, adhesion and the likes. Think about this That part of 2. US Energy Policy Act that EXEMPTS gas drilling and fraking from the regulations and oversights of the national Safe Drinking Water Act, the Clean Air Act, and various regulations on waste disposal is often called the Halliburton Loophole. If the process is so clean, force the oil gas industry to follow the same regulations based on the existing laws that apply to everyone else As far as drilling and fraking, it makes much more sense that if you A punch a hole in the ground and even through or near small aquifers andor the surrounding groundwater saturation level, you create a draining point, then,B you drill the hole deeper to frak the rock stratas BELOW that drain by injecting millions of gallons of then chemically enhanced local water under enormous pressures, and then,C pump that newly contaminated water back out to clean it up and put back into our water cycle but its impossible to get all that tainted stuff out, or cleaned entirely. CANT be GOOD. It becomes a point of contamination. Even an occasional drillingfraking mistake still may cause problems that have far reaching and long term bad impacts. If not now, then later. Then, SURPRISE Its deemed non point source water contamination, without anyone being responsible for mitigation, clean up or compensation. Why, who knows FOR SURE where that stuff comes from Can you PROVE that stuff wasnt there beforeIve lived with this same situation in the soft coal region of central Pennsylvania all my life. Aim High 4 Student Book on this page. Even if fraking may work properly 9. DOESNT its just not worth risking our fresh water to drill, drill, drill EVERYWHERE at the high levels that are being projected. Just 1 of 2. 00,0. Is that acceptable Especially if its your town, your home, your kids I know its not for me. Think about this just one company alone, Chesapeake Energy Corp. Oklahoma has 1. 6 million acres in the Marcellus shale. Hmm, I wonder how many wells they might bring to PA over the next decade or so Other countries and continents are in bad shape economically and health wise for lack of potable water. And our odd interpretation of GREED by the same ol players in the misuse of our natural resources as energy freedom can lead to the same problem here. If we dont see it, we often dont consider it a problem. If these extraction mistakes dont immediately affect us personally, many might not see it as a a big issue thats human nature. And industry and profiteers know that and take advantage of it for their HUGE gains and to our HUGE detriment. Im a capitalist, but Im a realist first. This isnt energy freedom in any way, shape, or form. We are trading our future in supplying energy to the GLOBAL markets through GLOBAL energy entities. I hope we wise up as a civilization. Hopefully, we CANfix stupid. Our community of Port Jefferson in Long Island, NY, shows a series of documentary films in the fall and in the spring. Planning for the fall 2. Please make a film available. Our water supply is too precious to risk. If we need more gas, we need to find a better way to extract the gas and a better way to monitor and evaluate the process. I recently came across an article that supports information presented in the NOW program about pollution in Dimock PA. According to the article by Tom Pelton in the Winter 2. Magazine of the Chespeake Bay Foundation, one citizen in Dimock asked the gas company to supply drinking water after her well exploded and her water was contaminated with methane. For about a year, the Texas based company refused.